
Mountain Magic Leader Weekend
Packing List

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Suggested for All Campers:

Patience and an Open Mind! ("Make New Friends")

Your Health History form

Your First Aid Certification card (if you are certified)

Medications - please keep in original container & let First Aider know you have it

CASH for class workshop fees (exact change is helpful)

CASH for decorations auction & quilt raffle (Sunday), bottled water ($.50 each)

Supplies for the classes listed on your personalized Registration Confirmation Sheet

Clothing suitable for the weather/outdoors (layers)

Hat/scarf/mittens (dress for the weather!!)

Poncho/rain jackets/umbrella (if needed)

Comfortable shoes (some walking will be required)

Tote bag for personal supplies

Note pad and pencil/pen

Unbreakable mug (for hot and cold drinks)


Snack to share - consider healthy choices!

Flashlight (have this handy for when you get to camp for check-in)

Swaps (~75 - 100, optional)

Costume/theme attire (optional)

Camera and memory sticks;  camera & phone chargers (optional)

Bandana (optional)

Camp chair (optional)

Water bottle (optional)

Tape recorder/tapes/memory card (optional)

Empty box for carrying craft items home (optional)

Item(s) to silk-screen (optional)

Goodies to give away at freebie table (usable craft items and kits, art supplies, GS books, appreciation gifts, patches/badges, etc.  - no trash)

Service Project items - see Attendee Info page

Printed items (map to camp, songbook, etc.) from Attendee Info page

Sack supper if arriving Friday night


Suggested for Overnight Campers only:

Sleeping bag or standard twin bedding and pillow

Extra blanket (optional for the cold-natured)

Foam "egg carton" pad or air mattress (optional, if you like a softer bed)

Earplugs/eyeshades (for light sleepers)

Alarm clock &/or cell phone + charger


Bath towel, hand towel, washcloth, shower shoes

Toiletries (soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.)

Changes of clothing (did you remember undies & pajamas?)

Extra shoes and socks, slippers (optional)

Plastic bag for dirty clothes


Any questions?? Contact mountainmagicleaderweekend@yahoo.com