Friendship Blankets


Class Description Instructor Provides Participant Brings Participant Takes Home Min Size Max Size Class Length Class Fee Instructor
No-sew blanket - make a blanket with new friends! Use it at camp or as a gift. If you can cut fabric and tie a knot, you can make these blankets. Instructions, patterns, guidance & use of scissor sharpeners. Sharp fabric scissors, large safety pins, and two pieces of fleece of equal size and complementary in colors or patterns, 2 yards each (larger or smaller depending on final size of blanket desired (purchase size = finished size including fringe + 6"). A blanket that you can complete during the weekend, and the pattern.

6 20 1 hr
Please note: this is a shorter time period than in years past!
We will break for the Unit Meet and Greets and then you can either return to the dining hall to finish or you can finish your blanket at a later time, your choice.
$1 Cheryl Marko & Genny Wright

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