Down the Rabbit Hole Clay Art New!
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Will be teaching fun and simple innovative ways of making animal shapes from paper clay, based on Alice in Wonderland animals. Examples are Cheshire Cat and White Rabbit. Also will give handout with recipe to make paper clay projects from scratch to be used by a troop. Each participant will pickup their clay art on Saturday night after dinner. (because it must be baked in the oven for 30 minutes at 350 degrees and cooled off before sealant will be applied) Paper Clay is an inexpensive, less complicated material used instead of traditional clay. It can air dry or be dried in a home oven and only takes a short time to complete each project. Clay, dye, sealant, trash bags, dough rollers, paper handout, chinette plates, wood skewers, paint brushes, permanent markers, Styrofoam eggs, rubber gloves Laughter, Smiles, Fun! Directions for completed projects to use with troop, and paper clay character from Alice In Wonderland. 6 ? 1½ hrs $7 Jenni Kelly and Janice Nieman