Horseback Riding - Walking Trail Ride

Class Description Instructor Provides Participant Brings Participant Takes Home Min Size Max Size Class Length Activity Fee Instructor
Participants in this activity must have previous riding experience and be able to lead a horse, mount, dismount, and control the horse at the walk. This activity lasts about one hour. It will start promptly at the posted start time; latecomers are not able to be added to class. The group will spend approximately 30 minutes in the arena reviewing safety procedures, and 30 minutes on the trail. Horse, equipment, helmet, instructions. Long pants, socks, and boots with a straight edge ½"-1" heel and smooth sole (not like hiking boots with a waffle sole). Activity fee must be pre-paid. A fun experience 5 10 1 hr $25 Camp Staff

Please note that this class is an exception to our usual "pay class fees at camp" and requires a prepaid activity fee. It is taught by the staff at Camp Misty Mountain and has a committed minimum number of participants.

trail ride