Craft Time and Cheshire Cat Scavenger Hunt  New

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We will make time for crafts of outdoor theme and then search for the Cheshire Cat in a scavenger hunt outdoors.
Jump rings, clay, molds, beads, feathers, cording, wood cookies, rock, acrylic paint, rubber gloves, sea shells, walnuts, toothpicks, hair clips, hair bands, rhinestones, etc. Sharpie, E6000 glue, hot glue gun & glue sticks, scissors, 3/8" ribbon, floral tape, 20 gauge wire, and a box to take everything home in. Crafty things to teach the girls in your troop: a bracelet, a necklace, decorative hair clip, decorative hair band, owl nest, painted rock, etc. 6 25 3 hrs $5 Karen Brooks-Kent