Altoids Tins

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We will learn how to take altoid tin and make it in to something useful and cute. I think you will have a fun time. All materials needed You will need a glue gun and glue sticks. please bring an empty altoid tin with you. I will have the beads . But if you have some you want to use, feel free to bring them . Also the tins I give you will be painted in advance. Again if you have a special color in mind you might want to paint it in advance and bring it with you .I will have 3 different colors with me . I think you will be pleased with the finished product. It could be a purse or some other idea. You should be able to finish it in the class. 6 15 1½ hrs $5 Frances Parks & Carol Townley

These are tiny purses from 2017.
Altoids-Tin Purses Altoids-Tin Purses

These are lockets from 2017.
Altoids-Tin Lockets Altoids-Tin Locket Altoids-Tin Lockets - Inside