Luminous Etched Glass Blocks New!

Class Description Instructor Provides Participant Brings Participant Takes Home Min Size Max Size Class Length Class Fee Instructor
Participants will learn to make Luminous Etched Glass Blocks that can be decorated for a variety of holidays (Halloween, Christmas, Haunakkah, Valentines Day, Mardi Gras) or to celebrate the birth of a baby, or family names or initals. You can even decorate with a sports team, super hero or your troop number. Instructor will provide one square 6" x 6" x 3" glass block, etching creme, paint brushes, selection of paint pen markers to accent, and stencils. Will also bring scissors, exacto knives, cutting mat, sharpies, gloves and a few eye protector glasses.  (Participants are encouraged to bring their own eye protection, scissors, exacto knives, and cutting mats.)
Bring a 2" wide ribbon of your choice to decorate the outside of the block, any large stickers or initials for color accents. You may also choose to bring shells, glass pebbles, beads, shredded up wrapping paper or small items to decorate the inside. (See examples.) Also suggested is purchasing or bringing a 20-count string of white or colored holiday lights to stuff inside the block. (i.e. purple & orange for Halloween, White & Red for Valentines, Multi-colored for Peace Sign, etc.) Good prices on amazon for these. I bought several for around $2.50. Can also bring wrapping paper or sheet of scrapbook paper for background. You can modge podge on later. Participants will leave with an etched block that they can add their own small insert items, photos, lights and decorative ribbons. This is suitable for a gift item, decoration or centerpiece. Great for teacher gifts, girl scout troop projects, or memorial/commemorative items. See pictures for ideas. 10 20 1½ hrs $10 Shelley Callico

~ examples of etched glass blocks ~

Glass EtchingGlass Etching