Firebuilding and Outdoor Cooking New Version!

Class Description Instructor Provides Participant Brings Participant Takes Home Min Size Max Size Class Length Class Fee Instructor
This is the official, newly-revamped Council Fire Building and Outdoor Cooking class. After class you will be able to:1) Cook outdoors with their troops or groups. 2) Describe the progression in outdoor cooking. 3) Choose and prepare an appropriate fire site. 4) Identify the sizes of wood and approved fire starters. 5) Follow fire safety rules and teach them to girls. 6) Lay and light an A-frame wood fire. 7) Operate a 2 burner camp stove. 8) List and describe alternative ways to cook in the outdoors. 9) Share tips about outdoor cooking."

Prerequisite: Cabins, Lodges, & Smores (or new equivalent)
Instructor provides all food and cooking supplies. Participants bring Guide for Camping book, water bottle, dress for the weather and bring a smile! You will take home the knowledge needed to cook with your troop while camping with a fire. 6 18 3 hrs $15 Bonnie Tompkins & Sue Nunn