Fairy Dish Garden

Class Description Instructor Provides Participant Brings Participant Takes Home Min Size Max Size Class Length Class Fee Instructor
This is a combo craft class. In the first half of the class, we'll have a scavenger hunt and make some fairy garden accessories for our tabletop fairy garden. In the 2nd half of class, we'll assemble the fairy garden, installing hardscapes and plants. 16" plant saucer, pebbles, carbon, soil, moss, assorted miniature plants, wooden stir sticks/Popsicle sticks, acrylic paint, glass pebbles, wire, string, thumbtacks, spray bottle, watering can, and ideas/instructions. Bring 3-5 assorted miniature plants/small succulents (NOTE: plant suggestions will be provided prior to class), glue gun and glue sticks, small and med. size paint brushes, garden snips, scissors, and creativity! OPTIONAL: apron/gardening gloves, small seashells, leftover craft items, buttons, tiny pine cones, etc. May want to bring a box to hold a 16" saucer to take your dish garden home. A completed 16" fairy dish garden 6 20 3 hrs $6 Lianne Griffin

fairy garden