Lodges and Cabins
(previously "Cabins, Lodges and S'Mores")
COUNCIL CLASS - will be the updated version!
Class Description Instructor Provides Participant Brings Participant Takes Home Min Size Max Size Class Length Class Fee Instructor
Provides the leader or adult supporting the troop knowledge on how to prepare the girls for an overnight experience at one of our camps, a place where they can cook inside and enjoy outdoor activities.

Prerequisite: TBA by Council in August or September.
Participant handouts from council and supplies to cover firebuilding if the participant wishes to stay and extra 30 minutes for that portion of the class (fire building is now an elective portion of the new class design) Water bottle to stay hydrated, pen or pencil, note book, possibly a camera , (if wanting to learn firebuilding then a bandanna or means to tie back hair, and a kneeling pad like a sit upon or garden pad) "Outdoor Education in Girl Scouting" and other resource materials

(This might be updated by Council in August or September)
6 24 3 hrs $15

Includes book
Dee Komro & Karen Brooks-Kent