SUDs of the Roundtable New!

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Join us in the GREAT HALL around King Arthur’s Roundtable for an information exchange for current SUDs/Co-SUDs only. The SUDs at this Roundtable are women of courage, honor, dignity, courtesy, and nobleness.

This Roundtable is founded in patience and humility. Together we guide over 16,000 adult volunteers, willingly uphold the mission of Girl Scouts, and adhere to the Promise and Law; and demonstrate dependability, honesty, and credibility. Our quest is to stay sane while holding our position. Our resolve is strengthened when we share our deeds and from which we will invariably set forth in search of further adventures. Bring your #1 challenging issue you face as SUD. Logistic information will be sent two weeks before arriving at Magic Mountain.
Instructors will facilitate the discussion & provide handouts. Participants should bring pen and paper, and a challenge - more details about how and logistics will be provided to participants in an email prior to the session. Participants will build their SUD network and take home new solutions shared with their Girl Scout sisters. 6 20 2 hrs 15 minutes

Starts during lunch on Saturday as a "Lunch and Learn" & continues on through the next class period.
Free Janice Nieman, Jessica Weis, and Sheila Mills

SUDs of the Roundtable