June 6, 2011 (rescheduled from May 26) - 7:00 – 9:00 PM via telecon



Lianne Griffin, Cheryl Marko, Jeanne Andres, Kippy Shea, Laurie Hackworth, Marie Wright, Marsha Sussman, Mary Kottkamp, Barb Osment, Marie Lott, and Kathy Stephan

The May 26th planning meeting was postponed to June 6th.


1. Final review of 2012 committees/duties

2. Final review of 2102 event timeline

3. Re-Review Lessons

4. Committee Reports

We reviewed our “tasks” for April and May – how are you coming on your items??

a. APR - Establish committee chairs and begin to recruit volunteers for committees. Plan preliminary timeline. Provide save the date (Jan. 20-22, 2012) info to membership manager (Bebe Joyner) for inclusion in area newsletters. 4/1 – submit Troop Camping form to council to reserve units. (Lianne submitted 6/6/11).

b. MAY - Finalize timeline. Finalize committees. Re-review lessons learned and distribute to appropriate committee for handling. Begin sub-committee meetings/planning & hold kick-off meetings. Council staff to verify all planning committee volunteers are registered GS. NOTE: a lapse in service of one year or more will require a new background check. Establish technology committee to determine if we will offer online registration for 2012.

2012 Committees – We reviewed the committees for 2012 and made additional (final) changes. Committee chairs have been identified and confirmed, except for those noted in yellow. See attached doc. (Names highlighted in yellow have not yet been confirmed). We will NOT have a dedicated council staff person assigned to our committee; Bebe Joyner has agreed to be our point person and can be reached via text if needed during meetings.

2012 Timeline – Reviewed 2012 timeline; final draft is attached. (Please let Lianne know if you see any changes that need to be made!!)

Committee Reports


The Girl Scouts are having a birthday, and you can get a gift. To celebrate the 100th birthday of Girl Scouting, we're having a gift swap in lieu of door prizes. Here's how it works. You bring a wrapped gift to camp, you get to take one home. If you bring two wrapped gifts, you get to take two home, etc. What a GREAT way of recycling those knickknacks and gifts that you don't want, but somebody else would. All gifts should be new, cost less than $10, and be appropriate for all ages. If you'd like to bring extra gifts, we won't turn them down.

Our next meeting will be on 6/23/11 at 7PM at Moe’s – Kippy has reserved the room. Have a great month everyone!