Jan. 13, 2010 - 7:00 – 9:00 PM

Attendees via Conference Bridge
Lianne Griffin, Marie Lott, Carol Townley, Marsha Sussman, Shannon Glapion, Barb Osment, Diane Loupe, Marie Wright, Frances Parks, Jeanne Andres, Karen McFadden, Mary Kottkamp, and Kippy Shea.

Due to the inclement weather, we decided to move the check-in stuffing party to Saturday 1/15 @ 7PM at Lianne’s house. If you can come help, great. If not, don’t worry about coming.

Committee Reports

Registration – Marie W

We have 156 people registered for the weekend. There have been a few adds/cancels since the confirmations were sent. There were also a few minor changes in class numbers since the last report. Marie W. will send Lianne a new class count to forward to the instructors. Sleeping arrangements are as follows: Kippy, Jeanne, Barb and Diane are at the Farmhouse; there are no participants staying there. Two participants plus Kathy Stephan and Marie Wright will be in cots in EH. The cancellations caused a few classes to fall below minimums (Intermediate Knitting and Paper Bag Scrapbooks were two). We will be prepared to pay instructors based on the “final” class counts that were provided last week (refunds are not being given to those who are cancelling late).

Publicity – Barb

Barb now has the unicorn embroidery available on her sewing machine at home. If you want to bring a shirt to the stuffing party Saturday, Barb will embroider it for $5 (you provide the shirt). (We used dark purple polo shirts with collars from Lands End last time – can be long sleeve or short sleeve, your choice). You will need to get your shirt to Barb ASAP if you’d like one (or a 2nd one) for the weekend.

Website – Marie L

We have a current balance of ~$3400 in the PayPal account. Marie to transfer $3200 over to our checking account so we can pay Melissa at camp for the meals, etc. Marie has also posted the preliminary menu to the website. Mary K. to send final changes to Marie L.

Decorations – Frances/Carol

Frances will decorate visors for Karen, Jeanne, Diane and Mary K. Lianne has undecorated visors for Barb, Marsha, Kippy, Sheila, and Marie L.which she brought back from the retreat at Becky’s house and will pass them out on Saturday. Frances will bring the letters, cards and poker chips to the weekend so anyone who hasn’t decorated their visor can do it at the weekend. Carol Townley will meet with Carol Pilgrim about silk screens. Lianne should remind participants to bring item for silk screening if possible.

Shannon advised that the patches will likely not make it in time for the weekend. If possible, Snappy Logos will overnight ship if they can get them made in time; otherwise, we’ll need to mail them to the participants afterwards. Note that in the future we will need to order no later than the first of December. We ordered a 3” patch; price per patch is $1.85 (so if we have to mail, we will go slightly over our $2/patch budget). Overnight shipping may still be cheaper than all the $.44 stamps.

Participant Check-in – Shannon