
View our calendar list of events proposed for the upcoming year.

We got a lot done last night

We’ve decided to have a quilting day in May to finish up our quilt so we can donate it to Eggleston, and we got our paperwork done, check written, and mailed to secure our CPR course on April 14.  We did not get everyone registered and Family Partnership checks written.  Laura has her form and will get it to Mrs. Lott on Sunday.  We need to get forms to Crystal and Callie so that they can get their forms back to Mrs. Lott.  Candra, Brittany, and Maria have taken home information about Lifetime Memberships (there’s a link on our website, too).  Senior Girl Scouts can purchase Lifetime Memberships for $130 and never pay registration again their whole lives.  If you wait and do it later, it costs $250.  When you become Girl Scout leaders for your daughters, you’ll be all fixed!

Emergency Preparedness IPP

We did not actually get any work done on the current IPP except to choose the Service Project.  We will help Maria with her Brownie Try-It Day and do the Safety Sense Try-It.  That will satisfy the requirement to facilitate a workshop on safety for younger girls.

Troop Spring Break Possibilities

For anyone who is not going out of town, there are several possibilities.  Pat’s spring break is the same first week of April, so we can have Pysanki making, Gold Award paperwork days, and/or Brownie Try-It Day work days.  We’ll let Maria decide on a possible work day.

Pat has discovered that Maria, Laura, Crystal, and Callie do best when they do Gold Award paperwork solo.  If you want to reserve an afternoon, you have the following choices:  April 2, 3, 4, or 5. 

Pysanki making will probably happen on Saturday, March 31 or Friday, April 6.  If you want to decorate Ukrainian style Easter eggs, call to say so.  We can only do four people at a time. 

Maria’s Fund Raising

Things are going well with the fund raising.  The Council came through with $1500, and Pat’s fund raising letters to St. Bede’s folks has brought in another $700.  We still need to get some gear and pay the last $100 of the trip fee, so we hope that the Brownie Try-It Day will be able to do that part.  Pat and Maria are writing the thank you notes.

Brownie Try-It Day

Here’s the plan.  On April 21 we will meet at St. Bede’s at about 11:00 a.m. to get set up.  We have chosen 3 Try-It’s and decided to set up a station for each activity.  The Brownies should arrive at 1:00, and we plan to be finished around 4:00.  Of course we’ll have to clean up afterwards, so no one should plan to leave until we’re all done. 

 We will divide the Brownies into four groups and rotate them through the stations.  We’ll do one Try-It at a time and allow troops to sign up for the Try-Its they want to do.  Each Try-It will cost $5 per girl, and we will supply the patch at the end of the time.  Troops will pay in advance, and we will not do refunds for girls that don’t show up, although we will give the leader all the patches that she signed up for, so that she can complete the activity with missing girls.  Maybe we can offer a discount if troops sign up for all three.

 We will have an opening activity: bags to decorate in which girls will be able to carry home the things they make.  We will have a mini-Court of Awards at the end of each session.  We went through all the troop materials that Pat has in many, many boxes and found that we already have a lot of the materials we will need.

We decided not to make troop t-shirts but to buy one that is current at the Badge and Sash so that we will be readily identifiable on Try-It Day, and we decided to get Girl Scout nametags.  We listed the materials we still need to get for each Try-It.  The Try-It’s that we chose are Movers, Safety Sense, and Making Music.

 To Do List

 Evaluation and Partying

It is possible that we might like doing Brownie Try-It Days, and we may want to do them next year as fund raising projects for our Big Trip in 2008.  In order to reward ourselves and have a calm time to do our evaluation, we need to plan a get-together.  It may be that we want to wait until Maria gets back in June – or maybe we need two parties.

 March, April, May, and into June


Callie, Crystal, and Laura get your registrations to Mrs. Lott

March 30-April 6 

Spring Break Activities – Call Pat to schedule what you’d like to do.

Tuesday, April 10

Service Unit Meeting – Send Maria to charm the leaders

Saturday, April 14

Red Cross CPR Class 9:30-2:30 at the Callaways’

Friday, April 20

Regular Meeting 7-10 – Get ready for Brownie Try-It Day

Saturday, April 21

Brownie Try-It Day

Sunday, May 6

Service Unit Bridging that Brittany, Maria, and Candra can’t attend

Friday May 11

Regular Meeting 7-10 – Probable party day, but we may need to finish up our Emergency Preparedness IPP so that we can award it to ourselves.  We’ll need to hold our own Bridging Ceremony for our new Adult Girl Scouts.  Maybe Quilting Day, too!

May 28 - June 6

Maria goes to Switzerland

June sometime

Possible Party #2 – Maria tells us about Switzerland and we help her make her display for Council events

Other June and July Events 

Maria will need to finish her Gold Award by October 1, 2007.  She only has to finish the Career Exploration Pin before she can write her project application and do her project.  There should be ample time to finish, especially if she can get her project approved in June.

 Laura, Callie, and Crystal have until October 1, 2008.  Laura needs to finish the Career Exploration Pin and the Challenge before she can write her project proposal.  Callie just has to finish the Career Exploration before writing her project application, and Crystal has finished all her IPP’s and Studio2B books.  Crystal is partway on her Leadership Award, Career Exploration, and Senior Challenge and needs to finish the paperwork for all of them.  She’s done the work, but she has to get her calendars, logs, journals, and other paperwork all finished up.

Here’s what Pat remembers about how we decided to do the Try-Its

The Movers Try-It – estimated 70 minutes

 1.         Pinwheel – a make-it, try-it, and take-it activity – 20 minutes estimated time to do it

 Logistics:  Need a table to work at.  Probably indoors is best in case of wind that blows materials away.  Probably don’t need chairs because Brownies can work standing up at a normal height table, and chairs will get in the way. 


Things we have

Things we need to find or buy

Construction paper Pencils, thumbtacks (1 each per girl)


·         Cut and mark construction paper squares

·         Decide if we will use beads as in the instructions

2.         Paper Copter a make-it, try-it, and take-it activity – 15 minutes estimated

Logistics:  Same as for pinwheel


Things we have

Things we need to find or buy

Scissors Xeroxed patterns from Try-It book
Paper clips (one per girl)  


·         Copy patterns and separate

·         Figure out how to make it turn faster or slower

  3.       Windsock a make-it and take-it home activity – 25 minutes estimated

Logistics:  Same as for pinwheel and paper copter.


Things we have

Things we need to find or buy

Construction paper Tissue paper for streamers
Stapler and extra staples (or glue)  
30” pieces of string  
Masking tape  
Crayons, etc. to decorate  


·        Precut construction paper and string

·       Arrange decorations into four sets so that the first group doesn’t use up all the good stuff – maybe trays with containers of crayons, markers, stickers, etc.

·        Decide if we will staple or glue

 4.         Balloon Rocket – 10 minutes estimated time to do it

 Logistics:  Need several strings stretched about 10’ and attached to something, maybe chairs; if we use the paper bags on the strings, there will be very little prep for the girls and we won’t have to detach the strings, but we should make extra bags in case of tearing – the girls will just blow up the balloons, put them in the bags and fire away.


Things we have

Things we need to find or buy

String (nylon is best) Balloons
Masking tape Paper bags big enough to hold balloons


·         No prep until we arrive and set it up

·         Tape straws to bags, thread on strings, and tie the strings

 The Safety Sense Try-It – estimated 60 minutes – longer if the firemen come

 1.                  Pocket Knife Safety – a make-it, try-it, and take-it activity – 15 minutes est

Logistics:  Need a table to work at.  Could be outdoors, which will work well with the rest of the activity.  Outdoors will give us room for the bubble of safety activity.


Things we have

Things we need to find or buy

Construction paper or foam sheets 2-legged fasteners (1 per girl)
Single hole punch  
Real pocket knife for demo  


·         Cut out two pocket knife blades and punch a hole in one end of each

·         Practice the demo and the bubble of safety

 2.         Fire Safety – a listening activity – 20 minutes estimated time to do it

Logistics:  If the firemen can come they can do the talk and let the girls see the truck.  If they can’t come, we’ll need a comfortable space for the girls to sit and talk.  It is important, if we and not the firemen do this, to have the Brownies talk about their own ideas.


Things we have

Things we need to find or buy

  Handouts of some kind – maybe a coloring sheet


·         Practice our presentation – the firemen might not be able to stay for 4 groups, so we have to be ready with a back-up plan

·         Make handouts

 3.         Smoke Alarm – a listening and try-it activity – 10 minutes estimated

 Logistics:  Show girls how to replace batteries in the smoke alarm.  Let them push the test button


Things we have

Things we need to find or buy

2-4 Smoke alarms Handouts of some kind – maybe a diagram of how to put in batteries
Extra batteries


·         Practice our presentation

·         Make handouts

 4.         Playground Safety – a walking and talking activity – 20 minutes estimated

 Logistics:  If we can go outside into the playground, we can take the girls through and let them play.  We will need to talk about safety and let them help make a poster, we can put the posters up on the fence and/or let the troops take them home.  We need a back-up or alternate plan in case of bad weather.


Things we have

Things we need to find or buy

Playground Posters with playground gear on them.  The girls can add safety ideas to them.


·         Practice our presentation

·         Make posters

 5.         Back-Up activity in case we can’t do the Playground Safety:

            First Aid – a try it activity – 20 minutes

 Logistics:  We would be indoors, and we can learn a simple first-aid skill instead of the Heimlich maneuver.  Maybe how to put an arm in a sling.


Things we have

Things we need to find or buy

Triangle bandages borrowed from Mr. Callaway  
Safety pins  


·         Practice our presentation or talk Mr. Callaway into being on call in case of rain

·         Possibly create an instruction handout that we could copy at the last minute

 The Making Music Try-It – estimated 60 minutes

 1.         Singing in Rounds—a group participation activity – 15 minutes estimated time

 Logistics:  Need a space where we can sing without bothering the other groups.  Maybe this Try-It should be done all together instead of in stations.  We probably should give the leaders copies of our songs.


Things we have

Things we need to find or buy

Flip Chart #1 Music Handouts


·         Choose our songs

·         Make copies for the leaders

·         Make a word sheet on the flip chart

 2.         Action Songs—a group participation activity – 15 minutes estimated time

 Logistics:  Same as rounds, except that we need to do Lummi Sticks 16 girls at a time, and Lummi Sticks are fun on a hard floor.  The Parish Hall and Commons are carpeted.


Things we have

Things we need to find or buy

Lummi Sticks Copy of the song
  How to make lummi sticks (history?)


·         Make copies for the leaders

·         Make a word sheet on the flip chart

 3.         Melody Glasses a demonstration and try-it activity – 15 minutes estimated time

 Logistics:  Same as rounds, except that if the group is very large girls will not get to try the glasses


Things we have

Things we need to find or buy

Flip chart #2 8 glasses thin enough to produce a scale
Paper, pens, and tape Number labels for the glasses
8 Chopsticks from Candra (extras?)  


·         Test the glasses

·         Make a number sheet on the flip chart with numbers for the song

 4.         Music Around the World—a group participation activity – 15 min estimated

 Logistics:  Same as rounds, and this could work in a big group


Things we have

Things we need to find or buy

  Copy of Brownie Friend Maker Song


·         Make copies for the leaders

·         Make a word sheet on the flip chart

Our 2006-2007 calendar list of events

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