Senior Girl Scout Troop 4715 News

Updated August 19, 2011

Next meeting this Friday, November 1

Socializing begins at 7:00, meeting at 7:30. Chandler and Anne will be in charge of the meeting.

We'll be working on our Fernbank project with Terri Otto from the Council Office. Be sure that you have March 22 next spring on your calendar when we will be staffing this event.

We'll also plan our transportation to the Six Flags celebration of the Girl Scout 90th Birthday.

We need to decide what IPP to work on next and plan the first steps.

If we're going to do Secret Santa in December, this is when we should draw names. Be there!

Camping with Brownie Troop 21432

The Brownies loved their camping trip. They are making us some thank you cards. Can't wait to get them.

The Big Trip

Have you looked at the websites for Our Cabaņa, Our Chalet, and Pax Lodge? There are links to these sites from our website, where you are probably reading this. We have several opinions about what to do, including one group doing one big trip in 2003 and a different group doing a different one in 2004. Whatever we choose to do, we need to begin our planning soon. Council deadlines have some leeway, but after a certain point, it is too late to begin planning. Let's not be too late!

December 7 is DeKalb County's Day of Service

This day celebrates the county's birthday with service projects all over the county. What a good date for another Henderson Park Clean-Up! Let's talk about it at the next meeting.

See you Friday night!

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