Three Leaves Service Unit Bridging Ceremony
Saturday, May 14, 2005
2:00-4:00 PM
St. Bede’s Episcopal Church
2601 Henderson Mill Road

Updated 08/19/2011


Daisies to Brownies

25411 (14) Rokholm (CoA)
bringing salty snacks

25437 (10) Vereen
bringing sweet snacks

Brownies to Juniors

22422 (9) Abramson (CoA)
bringing fruit

22449 (11) Chester (mCoA)
Leading "Make New Friends"
bringing sweet snacks

23411 (7) Hines
bringing a sheet cake

23443 (13) Ramsey
Leading GS Promise
bringing Rice Krispy treats



Juniors to Cadettes

20410 (5-16) Johnson (CoA)
Flag Ceremony & Pledge of Allegience
bringing salty snacks

Cadettes to Seniors

639 (5) Shea (Silver)
Leading GS Law
bringing fruit

Seniors to Adults

4715 (5) Callaway (Gold; Pres)
Leading "Girl Scouts Together"
bringing lemonade & paper goods

Number in parentheses after Troop#  = number of girls bridging
CoA= would like private time for own court of awards
mCoA= might like private time for own court of awards
Bronze = Bronze Awards
Silver = Silver Awards
Gold = Gold Awards
Pres = Presidential Service Awards